/How are things going with plans for a new “community Hub” on Denman? Not very quickly.
Read MoreHow are things going with plans for a new “community Hub” on Denman? Not very quickly.
Read MoreTenants of Park Beach Manor’s accusations of surveillance, harassment and abuse against their landlord appear headed for the courts.
Read MoreAn update on plans in progress for Nelson Park, Lord Roberts Annex, and the new Coal Harbour school.
Read MoreThe King George Secondary School Archives preserve the school's history for students, alumni, and the community.
Read MoreJohn Streit took a month off for a family vacation, and will return with more in-depth reporting in October. Read the August column here, and stay tuned for more next month.
Read MoreTravelling with a “Learner” while discovering the joys and hazards of West End driving. It’s no picnic out there!
Read MoreEverything you need to know, and every point of view, about the Battle for Beach Avenue - the pros, the cons, and the many grey areas.
Read MorePlans have been approved for a complete re-do of the 800 block Denman - the West End Community Hub - including a new highs chool, library, community centre, and a fire hall. Here are the details …
Read MoreBurrard SkyTrain station will become a “Transit Oriented Development” hub. A good thing, or a bad thing? Opinions are, as always, divided.
Read MoreWith permits pending, the West End is poised for something of a development boom in the near future.
Read MoreThe provincial government considers changes to the unpopular “Additional Rent Increase” program.
Read MorePart III of a deep dive into plans for the renewal of the English Bay waterfront, and a conversation with a Park Board planner.
Read MoreThe West End Journal is the only media outlet exclusively serving Vancouver's West End community, residents, and businesses. We define our West End as extending west from Burrard Street, from shore to shore.
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